Monday 23 November 2015

Unit 4 P2 Explain the potential effects of five different life factors on the development of an individual.

P2: Explain the potential effects of five different life factors on the development of an individual.

Kehlani Parrish
There are many life factors that can affect someone’s health and well -being. Health is multi-factorial and complex.  It is influenced by a number of things including our age, family history of illness, employment, education and living conditions. A variety of lifestyle or health related habits (behavioural factors) can have a major impact on a person’s health.  Behavioural and social issues that impact on health include smoking, alcohol, poor diet leading to obesity or malnutrition, lack of physical exercise, sexual behaviour and problems resulting from drug taking.

Biological: Within, this factor can be a physical, physiological, chemical, neurological, or genetic condition which causes a psychological effect. Biological factors are seen as the primary determinants of human behaviour. Kehlani’s mother would take drugs heavily whilst she was pregnant, this can cause many effects on a baby thus Kehlani was premature. Biological factors are things such as family and hereditary, it is hard to find biological factors for Kehlani but in general many people’s biological factors stem from parents. Due to Kehlani being premature there was a chance of her developing at a slower rate, many premature infants have smaller organs then the average baby.
- It is believed that many genes influence people’s responses to alcohol and/or drugs, and that their responses reflect a continuum of vulnerability to alcohol or drug problems. This understanding is consistent with behavioural studies that have failed to clearly distinguish between people with drinking problems and others.

Housing: Living comfortably can mean a greater chance of having a bright future, poor housing can create stress and can damage physical and mental health. My individual Kehlani was brought up in a poor home and neighbourhood which then later led her to the streets and a rough but visual lifestyle her mother wasn’t in her life which led to her auntie caring for her, due to her auntie having children of her own they may have had struggles money wise leading Kehlani to make rash decisions for her family. An individual’s living conditions can factor into their future, due to Kehlani’s rough upbringing and living in a poverty stricken area she felt less likely to succeed, but that wasn’t how it turned out to be. Poor quality housing is associated with poor health. Living in a house that has mould and other hazardous bacteria can increase the risk of allergic and inflammatory diseases including asthma which Kehlani suffers with. During her teenage years Kehlani was still living with her aunty and family, this could mean an overcrowded house which can cause stress due to lack of privacy. A person’s occupation and income can interact within other factors because the needs and wants for specific things are surrounded by how they support themselves.

Environmental: Genetic influences interact with the environment to shape people differently such as our body shapes, sizes and personalities. Environmental factors can impact an individual’s life from birth  whether it be good or bad it makes a significant impact on someone’s life. Kehlani's mother did some time in prison which shows how the environment she was around has influenced her decisions and choices.
Air and water pollution can influence development and be a major source of ill health. Many years ago lead from petrol and paint were major concerns that lead pollution in the air might affect the brain development of children. Motor vehicles produce a range of pollutants, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter. People who live near busy roads may be particularly exposed to this pollution.

Socioeconomic: A group of individuals who share similar features and interests. Peer groups, in the case of people, have characteristics which include similarities such as socio-economic status, level of education, and ethnic background.  As a child you will have learned a lot about social relationships when you played and communicated with other children. During adolescence we are very influenced by people of our own age group. socioeconomic factors are influenced by family, friends and wealth.

Lifestyle: Health and your diet influence your lifestyle and at a certain age it is your responsibility. To an extent our life is something we choose, our choices however could be limited due to money, for Kehlani during the early stages of her adolescence she was homeless and dependent on close friends. However as she grew she became aware of her situation and decided to pursue her career in music which has garnered her a comfortable lifestyle so far. Many individuals are influenced by culture and the people within our lives. As teens we are very much in control of our diets whereas babies are affected by what our mother eats during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding. If a mother had a diet that is high in sugar and fat, it is risky to the child’s future. Being that Kehlani’s mother was on drugs during her pregnancy it is likely that the safe affects from drug use will have an effect on Kehlani later on in her life.

All these factors help an individual  develop well and grow into and expand their lifestyle and well-being which creates a diverse individual.