Thursday 3 December 2015

Unit 4 M1/D1

M1: Discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual.

In my written report, I will be discussing the nature vs. nurture debate around my individual Kehlani Parrish, based on two life stages.
Nature is what is influenced by genetic heritage and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of external factors after birth e.g. the product of exposure, experience and learning on an individual within the environment.
It has been an ongoing debate between psychologists that we are born the way we are, thus creating the ‘nature-nurture debate’. Each of these sides have good points that it's really hard to decide whether a person's development is predisposed in her DNA, or a majority of it is influenced by this life experiences and her environment. As of now, we know that both nature and nurture play important roles in human development, but we have not known yet whether we are developed majorly because of nature or due to nurture.
 The nature-nurture debate is concerned with the relative contribution that both influences make to human behaviour. Those who adopt an extreme hereditary position are known as nativists.  Their basic assumption is that the characteristics of the human species as a whole are a product of evolution and that individual differences are due to each person’s unique genetic code. In general, the earlier a particular ability appears, the more likely it is to be under the influence of genetic factors.

McLeod, P, (2007) Nature vs Nurture in Psychology, (accessed:December 2nd 2015)

Childhood: 3-11

Surrounding the nature side of the debate it is believed that our physical characteristics are biologically determined by genetic inheritance. Many people would say we inherit colour of our eyes from our parents, this is more so the Nature aspect as it is genetic inheritance and biological factors. Kehlani may have been believed to be a singer from before birth due to her father previously playing in a band. The influences around Kehlani would mostly factor how she developed a sense for music; due to the nurture debate her aunty would play many soulful records which gave Kehlani the passion to sing soulful tunes.

Intellectual: As a child, Kehlani knew how to communicate like most children. Though she was premature it would have been thought of her to be delayed within certain milestones but she wasn’t. At their early stages of life, children are unable to count or understand ideas properly.

Emotional:  Children have wide and vivid imaginations and start to understand the roles that people have. For example, a baby around 6 months discovers who is caring for them such as their mother, they then will notice when their parent/guardian isn’t around and start to feel worried. During her childhood she was shuffled from household to household, this can have a negative effect on a child and make them feel unsettled in her environment.
Social: Early childhood most social activity comes from parents and family, due to Kehlani’s mother ending up in jail since Kehlani was a young age. At this life stage, children are emotionally attached and dependant on an adult that cares for them.
The events within Kehlani’s childhood such as her mother getting sent to jail are nurture

                                             Early Adulthood: 20-40
Intellectual: Adults are wiser to their surroundings as they may have been through certain life situations which could impact them for the better or impact them for the worse thus being nurture that influences adults.

Emotional: During adulthood is when emotional attachment comes into character, this may include being sensitive to certain things or even being defensive. It is still a learning experience no matter what age you are. Emotionally adults are supposed to be 
matured as they have learnt from past experiences, due to Kehlani recently entering into adulthood she may feel that she still has time to mature and experience situations. 

Social: The way in which Kehlani has developed socially is due to her upbringing and the fact that she was passed around from house to house tells us that her behaviour has been affected by it. As you grow you begin to make new friends and connections, for example Kehlani being a music artist will meet many new people some who have influenced her throughout her life. As an adult you learn to cope with certain relationships. As adults you become involved in sexual relationships and figure out your self-worth. Kehlani is a women brought up around the environment she lives in, this means she has experienced relationships; such as sexual will influence Kehlani’s behaviour throughout her life. Networking is important and a big role in Kehlani’s life which could potentially affect her thus coming from the nurture aspect.
An individual is considered an adult when they have matured rather mentally then physically it can also be said that adults are defined by their social roles.

Jayaram, V. (2014) Maturity of Mind and Adult Behaviour,

D1: Evaluate how the nature and nurture debate in may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two life stages of the development of your chosen family member or celebrity.


Photo From:
Growing up Kehlani had a mix of nature (biological) and nurture (environment) both of the life
stages I have chosen give a lot of information around Kehlani’s life. Kehlani grew to steal in order to survive as she became homeless; these factors show that nurture had more of an impact on Kehlani as she had to adapt to the environment that she was in. people are around her also influence her behaviour in negative ways thus she began doing things that were wrong. Later on in her life such as early adulthood she learnt from her behaviour and changed for the better.

The physical development of Kehlani is due to nature as the biological factors from her parents gave her the beauty she has; also Kehlani believes to have her father’s eyes which are known to be hereditary features. Her physical appearance is what distinguished her from others and captured the attention of nick Cannon. Most people believe Kehlani to be a rapper due to her appearance as she has many tattoos all over her body; these features are due to nurture as the environment she lives in dictated her look.
As genetics and biological factors can determine our looks and more we can also inherit certain diseases and disorders such as:
  • ·         Down Syndrome
  • ·         Cystic fibrosis
  • ·         Angelman Syndrome
  • ·         Turner Syndrome
  • ·         Tay-saches disease 
  • ·         Polycystic kidney disease 
  • ·         Sickle Cell disease
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia, (2015), Listof genetic disorders, (accessed: 2nd December 2015)

Intellectual development is how we think and understand things. Kehlani’s intellectual development is due to nurture as she learns from life lessons and things she has experienced. The intellectual development is the process of how we think and use our minds for certain situations. Kehlani’s intellectual development is due to nurture as she learns from life lessons and things she has experienced. The intellectual development is the process of how we think and use our minds to retain information and also for certain situations.

Personal emotional relationships are due to nurture as it is in our environment however it could be stated that a woman chooses her significant other due to features her father has/had, this could be due to nature. Positive relationships with significant others during adulthood cam contribute to an individual having a better state of mind and well-being. Emotionally Kehlani experienced a lot such as; her mother being released from jail and revealing her sexuality as being bisexual to the world. All these events that have taken place in Kehlani’s life so far have been for a reason as they can make her a better individual.

During childhood confidence usually comes from emotional experience, considering that Kehlani had a difficult childhood she may channel all her emotions and feelings into her music.

For my individual I believe her social development was influenced by nurture as she has learnt to make friends and adapt to friendships due to the environment. Within her adulthood Kehlani hasn’t got many people she calls friends more so she has people who are good associates. Social development is how we meet people and interact with them, having similar interests as a person is more likely what will make a friendship last. During childhood children make friends at school when they interact with other students, this behaviour is due to nurture as it is in the environment they are brought up in. socially it could be known that we have some biological factors which makes it also nature, for example many characteristics are inherited from our parent’s people often say “you sound like your mother” or “you two both speak alike”. The simplest of things can be due to mannerisms and what you have experienced in the household you grew up in.

All these behaviours and ways can influence a person for better or for worse. Every factor in a person’s life determinates their future.